Discover the benefits of the Pass and enjoy your visit to Pola Park to the fullest.
Unlimited access to Pola Park1
Reduced rate on tickets for friends or family2
15% discount on restaurants
20% discount at Popi Express3
Exclusive access to events (Popi’s Christmas Party!…)4
1 free ticket per year for whoever you want5
1 free ticket + 1 Popi Express for your birthday6
Christmas Included
1 Subject to the calendar and opening hours of the park. Check the calendar here.
2 Maximum 3 tickets per year, regardless of the category.
3 Maximum 3 Popi Express per year.
4 Under prior and limited reservation. Tickets can be reserved at the park ticket offices or by phone until end of stock.
5 To be picked up any day of the season and valid only for regular days without events.
6 Valid 1 week before or after the birthday and only for regular days without events. If the birthday does not coincide with the season, it can be enjoyed during the first month of opening.
In this calendar, you can check the days on which you will be able to access Pola Park with your Season Pass.
* There may be a maximum of 1 special days with an event, apart from those indicated in the calendar, in which access with a pass will be subject to prior and limited reservation. Owners will be notified of these days at least 2 weeks in advance by email, as well as being published on the park’s official facilities, website and social networks.
Individual Pass
Access for the pass holder and a companion without access to the attractions.
New Pass
New Pass
Functional Div.
New Pass
The reduced price applies to large families, single-parent families and the unemployed. Valid documentation will be required to apply the discount.
Applicable only to the pass holder with a minimum of 33% disability. Includes free companion. Valid documentation will be required to apply the discount.
Pass with companion
Access for the pass holder and two companion, one companion will have access to the attractions.
Bono Nuevo
Bono Nuevo
The reduced price applies to large families, single-parent families and the unemployed. Valid documentation will be required to apply the discount.
Administration fees Free Online 3,50€ at ticket offices
* The pass holder must be at least 2 years old. Children under 2 years of age or 90 centimeters may enter to the park for free.
* The companion must always be over 18 years of age and must identify themselves at the park entrance each day to access the attractions.